Thursday, August 30, 2007

Last Day Before I go to the Dorm

Well this day was such a rush passing bye slow in the morning and fast in the evening. Well I started off the day as a typical person and then waiting till 12o'clock to go to pick Solene and Xavier and the San Fransisco Airport. Well guess what happened man out of all the flights this flight got DELAYED. So the new time was 2:11 so we waited till about 1:30 to leave and we came on time but they had to check in to the United States and go get their luggages. My sister and I waited for about an hour and finally the CAME!! On the car ride back Xavier slept while we all were just spacing out. OHHHH Yeah I saw Sunny at the Airport but he had to take the B.A.R.T to go meet up with Justine or somthing like that. I went to shoot some hoops and my whole morning was full of packing. I am still freaking out about me forgetting somthing but I hope I don't forget anything. Solene went to sleep for HOURS in my sisters room and wow it looked so relaxing!!!! Xavier stayed up the whole day so far until we go to sleep but who knows what time that is going to be.
We had a big dinner of PHO with my uncle and aunt. we passed down memory lane with me what 6 months old taking a bath. But forget that and Finally SOLENE woke up from her deeeeeep deeeeep BEAUTY SLEEP and went to take a shower and eat a big bowl of PHO. My mom of course feed her too much foor so it took longer than usual. And now I am just thinking of stuff to type on to my blog but looks like there is nothing so until next time which will be a long time because tomorrow I am going back to the dorm so next time I hope I will update this pitiful blog to make it less pitful.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Last Few Days In Europe

Well with the Italy tour over everybody was going their own ways. But the lay people from the United States stayed until the 10th. All the Dharma Masters left the next day besides Dharma Master Sure because he had to go to Finland. During these last few days we were at Chinagora once again and having nothing to do we were in my moms room watching Resident Evil. The night we came back from the tour we all said goodbye to Fred thinking that we would not see him for the lat few days but ironically we saw him everyday single day until we left. In Europe one of the moms kept bullying but it was so fun because we kept bullying each other back and fourth. I loved to stay in the hotel and sleep in but on the day before Kim Vinh left Kim Vinh said he did not want to SLEEP but he failed and I tried to talk to him the whole night but he lost it and fell ASLEEP. The next day we all went to this other temple which we ate lunch at and afterwards Dharma Master Heng Sure gave a lecture. When the lecture concluded we were waiting for Kim Vinh to leave and you could see the sadness in his eyes and also you just can tell everybody was said and Tammy cried like most of the times because she was going to miss him. Kim Vinh gave me THREE BIG HUGS before he left and I was just touched by him. Eventhough I knew I was going to see him again one day soon.

During the next few days we went to eat Pizza at pizza hut which by then I was already sick of pizza so I got this pasta looking thing which was not bad. Afterwards Marvin did not go to the Eiffel Tower yet and my mom promised him that she would take him and that day it looked like it was going to rain and he still wanted to go. I was a little mad at Marvin because my mom is not in Tip Top shape like she used I was worried that she would get sick. But anyways I could not stop his desire so I just let them go and WOW they came back so late that night around what almost 2 o'clock. The next day we headed to the airport and went back to the states. The day we got in Philli our plane was delayed and I was so tired because on the airplane I watched so many movies just one after another. So almost the whole way I slept. Also remind me never go to that airport again because going through security is such a long and stressful process. I dislike that airport very much!!!!!! Ohhh yeah I have to pesonally thanks everybody who had to take care of us around in Holland and in Paris. I thank everybody from the Bottom of my heart. Thanks you for EVERYTHING!!!!

3rd week The Asian Invasion in Italy

Well once again I managed to type my blog!!! Well this week was a happy, sad, and tiring week. First in the morning everybody was sad because some people were going on the tour and some people going back to their homes. I was so surprised when Bao-Loc cried though it was just so odd but it's good that we know she cared. Everybody was wiped out from all the walking, going up the stairs, just everything. During this week we visited so many churches and wow these churches were gigantic. We were in the bus alomost the whole time and we could not even eat on the bus. That was the hardest thing not to break but I half to say almost everybody broke that rule. We went to many places in such little time and that just sucked. While in the Pantheon we saw a big room with a hole in the middle that was fasinating on a camera because it looked like it was a window. I still can't believe when I went to Venice I did not even know I was there. In Venice I went on the Gondala with my sister Kim vinh davy and my dad and for some reason it was kinda funny how my dad took like 20 pictures with me. How stupid can I be being in such an ancient place with out even knowing until I was off the city under water. Wow I just can't believe IT!!!! In Italy it was just a Sundae everyday just because we had ice cream just everyday. Also pizza which made me so sick because I had pizza so much in the CITY and just despised it so much when I came back to the States. While we were at the Vatican we went inside the Church and the tour guide gave us like 3 hours to go everywhere. That was too much time because everybody got bored and all the kids left outside and still had like an hour and a half left of time. Wow at the Colosseum it was crazy because we KIDS were the main attraction because all the guys that said slide was a chick game(Kim Vinh,Davy) played it. Oh MY God that was just Hillarious. Kim Vinh was like I got to get to ten before the end of this trip man and he got to like 13. While Darius was playing he looked like he was pushing so hard man it's like a huge energy wave going through your body when you play him.

On the bus Tammy and Fred were playing a game that whoever slept first would lose and guess who lost TAMMY. It was hilarious when Fred won becuase he was teasing Tammy so much but it was just for fun. Well we went to the Leaning Tower Of Pisa and it was so cool because we had a Family picture and it was nice having a leaning tower as the background. Although we lost everybody over there we bought some weapons like a bunch of Ninja stars for Michael and some shirts for John and Lucie. Well that was pretty much what we did in Italy but it was a little weird because everywhere we went people kept asking if these people were monks and nuns and they always asked where we came from and we would say America and they would be like REALLY!!!!
Well Italy was a nice place to go to despise the bus ride and stairs and heat but it was nice spending some time with Kim-Vinh after he graduated and stayed in Holland.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

2nd week with the Buddhist Deligation and CHINAGORA

Well this week was just WOW, if I can say so myself. I was looking forward to this week just because all the kids were there and it was time to do some Dharma work. This was a different experience then last time in Europe. Everybody lived in a hotel and we had ceremonies every kind you could think of. There were so many amazing people that worked the whole day just cooking for everybody including the Dharma Masters and laymen. The first day all the kids were in the lobby waiting for the monks and nuns to arrive. Well it was midnight and finally they arrived but all our parents were on the first floor talking amongst themselves. The next day was just jammed pack starting with lunch. the lunchroom where we ate could not fit all the people that were there the first day. The kids had the jobs of making the tables for the whole assembly. Throughout the week we were all occupied and had our jobs to do. The kids went out for the first time to get some ice scream and had some fries. The students from DVS had to give a speech about the school and mostly all the European kids went up to talk but they pulled my sister out of the crowd and then my sister took me with her. That was so unexpected because my sister and I did not plan anything out. My sister did outstandingly well then I did not to good but it's alright. All the adults where worrying about the us and we were just bored out of our minds. We had a kids day out which we went to a Chinese supermarket were Kim Vinh got loaded with a lot of food.

Well few days after all this we had a trip with Dharma Master Heng Sure to go around Paris to site see. We went to the Lourve to see all the paintings statues and more. Everybody went to see the Mona Lisa and after a while we lost my dad and found him about an hour later it was so embarrassing but funny at the same time. After the Lourve we went to Notre Dame and went inside and it was astronomically big inside. After Notre Dame we went to this church which had an exquisitely graphic hall of stain glass and if you were there you would just be astonished. Well that was Saturday. The next day was an auspicious day because Dharma Master was transmitting the Three Refuges and the Five Precepts. Many people took refuge and a few took precepts but that was the last day the kids would be together because Thuc Hue and Nguyet would be going back to Holland because they were not going to Italy with us. This was the end of Chinagora and the Dharma Assembly.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

First Week In Holland

I had such a great time despite the fact that I am totally fatigued. I remember my first day in Europe when I went to Davy's house to live at for a night. While I was there I had the pleasure of challenging Xavier and Tammy in a Game of Xiang Qi(Chinese Chess) which was very entertaining. That night we went to see the Eiffel tower. The next morning I went to the train station in Paris to go to Rotterdam Central Station in Holland thinking that I would see Kim Vinh and his sister Thuc-hue picking us up but not knowing what happened I met an old friend Phuong Thao instead.

I did not know what the plan was but all I knew was I would see Thuc-hue tonight and Kim vinh in a few days. I hoped Kim vinh would come soon so I would not be the only boy. After we discovered where Anh's dad was and Phuong Thao's dad was we went to visit Ang and her family. After we met up with Anh we went on another long expedition to Belgium where we bought most of out chocolate throught the whole trip. The historic Peeing Boy who peed on a bomb to extinguish the spark so it would not detonate and eradicate their city.

When we arrived at Kim Vinh's house we saw Phuong and he got a lot bigger if I can say. He looked very sophisticated and well taught. Well going down memory lane I recall sleeping that night was so painful. I got TEN Mosquitoe bites which was painful but thats okay because I know I had to pay off my Karmic offenses. The next day we went to Amsterdam and wow there were a lot of people. We met Han and his mom in Amsterdam. We walked around Amsterdam for the longest time and we saw two hookers. Well while all the kid were drained we were waiting for the superb dinner at a restaurant call Tai San and that was a good dinner.

Wow then and now I could not believe that one week has passed by so quickly just like a blink of an eye. But that night Thuc Hue and Phuong Thao had to leave because the next day they were going to Paris by car and the U.S delegation was going by train and would hopefully meet them that next day. Well the next day came and at 11 o'clock we left to Rotterdam Central Station to board the train and go back to Paris. By the time we got to Paris the whole U.S delegation was there Including my Dad and etc. There were so many people at Davy's house so we all split and slept at seperate places. We went to sleep very late that night and for once I meditated and recited. At that time I felt so peaceful and fell asleep as if I ran ten miles.

That ends this post and will start a new one about Chinagora and the Buddhist delegation.