Friday, March 28, 2008

Air Force 25's

I ordered my shoes on ebay what three days ago but did not think they were in mint condition. I was waiting day after day hoping it would come that day. But it did not until today. A regular Friday when I left my house nothing was there and when I came back bammmm it was at my front door. I ran into my house thinking in my head ohhh my god my shoes are here actually here. Then got my shoes and went into my living room and opened the box. Hahaha They were so pretty in their original box and I was ecstatic and my heart was pumping so fast. I shoed my whole family my shoes. Their original pricce was $200 but I got it for 50 on ebay. hahahaa. Still in good condition and not used. Today is such a good day hahaaha. Soo happy.

AIR FORCE 25!!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Saturday full of Games

This week was off the chain. Chilling with my team is so fun especially because we did not have a real coach to coach at our basketball. Sorry i did not updaate my blog in a long time but no time stressing with school sort of but now i am on spring break. This week was the playoffs and both basketball teams went to Princton to do an expo on dragon dance. I quit dragon dance this year because did not have the feel. But our first game was at Coyote Valley at 10:30 so it was fun. My team played their hearts out that game because the team we played we never beat and they had one good guy. So practically all the times he beat us it was one on five. by the way my team was Jerry, Timbo, Kenny, Bill, Steven La, Victor, and myself. Composed of both A team and B team. Not bad we beat them and were the C team. During the season both teams could not beat this team in particular but when it was time we beat them. This game was intense though the score was 43 to 40. I was so proud of my team because we came so futher than both originaly both A abd B teams. Then we ate at the resturant with my mom, sister, and godfather.

The next game was going to be at 3:30 and it was such a fun game. Both teams were not playing for real even though that it was four on seven. Dang we still lost but they were very good. The team we played were the RV's and they shot so many threes on us it was crazy. Ohhhhh Yeah some of our video's or on YOUTUBE thanks to my wonderfull sister she caught all the clips. Just type in Dragons C and you'll find videos of everybody on my team making at least 2 points. hahaaha the final score was 75 to 93. but it was a fun game. I was proud to be the Captain of the C team and would do anything to get them to play with me again in the future. At my second game many people came to support us like John and Lucie. Mr and Mrs Bostick. I would also like to thank the coaches both Nakula and Michael Suc Suc.