Sunday, June 15, 2008

Venerable Master's Nirvana

Well today is Dwan Wu Jie and the celebration of the Venerable Master's Nirvana. I woke up at 7:20 and took a shower which was quite refreshing. Johnathan spent the night in my room but to my surprise he was not there. I later found out that he did the 3 Steps 1Bow with sunny. I got to the tent at about 7:50 despite the fact that I was waiting for my roommate. When I got to the tent most of the Boy school and Girl school were there. This celebration was much different from the years before due to the fact that both schools were here because usually the Venerable Master Celebration is after school is out. When it came to be 10:00 the whole tent was filled with people even people were standing outside the tent. In my opinion more than half of the assembly was Vietnamese. During the ceremony there were now eight groups instead of 4 so it went a lot faster. The group in the back left corner for some odd reason did not get any incense and Hwei and I were wondering why they did not get it and came to the conclusion that they did not have enough to use in all 8 groups. By lunch time there were probably 1500 people and all the dining vicinities were full including the Confucius Hall. There were about 100-200 people standing outside and we had to open new boxes of cushioned chairs for them to eat. Afterwards the whole dorm ate and it was very good food. After we ate Albert wanted to play some ball so we played. Albert still is quite good even though he has not been playing the whole year. Michael Lan also came up with Jenifer so we played ball with him as well. Later in the afternoon at around 2 or 3 D.M. Tsung came to play some basketball with us and fortunately he was on our team and we won a few games. At 4:00 the summer camp farm counselor's had a class with Mr. Fan absorbing what he was trying to tell us. We have a lot to prepare before the students arrive and I have 5 finals tomorrow so I better hit the books or else I might get a low G.P.A.


Today is 6/7/08 pretty cool huh. Six Seven And Eight. Today I took the SAT II subject test for math and it was quite fun actually. Although I only answered 20 questions I felt very good. The morning started with me going to breakfast and to my suprise the were having breakfast at the big dinning hall. I ate some breakfast and went to the dorm to take a shower. After my shower we went to the school where we were getting ready to depart to Ukiah High Scool. To our suprise Mr. Ishihara brought us to Starbuck's where some of us got some fraps. Finally we got to our destination point and waited outside till they opened the door. Then Raymond found out that we needed the admission ticket to enter. He was literally freaking out. We then tried to find someone or a cellphone to call the boy's School then we saw a parent and asked him if he had a cellphone. The parent was Xiao Anne's guardian and I ended up asking her if we could borrow her cellphone and she let us. We called and nobody answered and we thought it was hopeless. Xiao Anne's guardian then talked to the instructor and was able to reprint his admission ticket. We then entered the room and the only 4 Asians were sitting in the back row consecutivly. It was Victor, Raymond, Xiao Anne, and I. Two were taking U.S History and two taking Math 2. Our instructor was extremely slow so we finished later than everybody from the other rooms. During my test I thought it was quite simple compared with my practice test before. I managed to answer 20 questions which was quite significant in my view considering that I am in a low math level right now. We then left to go back to CTTB. I ate lunch and went to hit the sheets because I was drained from the whole morning. We then did some community service which took like 2 hours for the Venerable Masters Nirvana. When I finished my work I took my Chinese final which I did not finish but was not that complex. At 4:00 we had rehearsal for passing the food around on Sunday. I became the "running" guy because I had to speed walk to pass the dishes around. I then ate dinner and my mom finally came at about 5:40. Were she ate dinner and prepared to make Jello. I then came back and took a shower and afterwards went to pack my things away. I then went to the movie and finished watching Cassandra's Dream which was not a good movie. Afterwards came back to dorm and started to pack my clothes for my mom to bring back tomorrow. Then I studied for my chemistry finals which Jonfen (Johnathan) helped me with and that was my SAT SATurday.

Friday, June 13, 2008

San Jose Tournament

The basketball team is composed of 10 people. Stephen, Jackie, Chris Z., Mohammad Ali, Davy, Alex, Robert, Timbo, Kenny, and me. Well this year we had a pretty good basketball team and managed to get 2nd place at the San Jose tournament. We won the first game just by 1point which was made from Robert the last free throw. Then after the first basketball game we had 2soccer games which was very intense even though I did not play. The soccer team managed to get 3rd place. Winning the 2nd game but losing the first. 2 weeks later we went back to finish the 3basketball games left. The first game was against a team named the Panda's which we won. The 2nd team was San Jose which we won but I did not even do that good. Actually I did very bad but the whole 3 games I was playing injured. The next team we played was Best Friends (CCIC) which we lost by .We only have ourselves to blame though because everybody did bad that game. Afterwards I went home for the long memorial day weekened. Also have to thank Johnathan for helping all the students with their pains and the students gave him pain because he was massaging to many people.


Well wendsdays night the 21st I had an extremely vivid dream of kim-vinh & thuc hue's family and they were all in America at BBM. I was very suprized to see them. Chin was also in my dream and kim-vinh was living at his place near BBM. Then I woke up and was hoping that one day the dream will come true and I hope to see you guys soon very soon. I did not even know that that was kim-vinh because in my dream he looked a little like him but something was different. Kim looked much more calm than usual and was not so energetic like he is half the time a little bit weird huh. To see kim-vinh not full of energy (kim energy)

Well just wanted to update you guys on what's been going on in the dorm. Just a little taste. Hahahaha ohh god I sound so evil muhahaha.